{Why Kinode?}

Grants program

Our grants program is designed to support developers working directly on the platform and building apps on top of it.

If you have an idea for improving Kinode or a cool experience you want to build, send in an application. If you’re thinking about applying but aren’t sure, check out the ideas below for inspiration or talk to us on Discord.

Grant categories

The Kinode Grants Program is divided into two tracks.

The first category, “Build on Kinode,” is for any kind of user-facing application built using Kinode. These grants are open to all and a good fit for developers new to the platform.

The second category, “Build Kinode,” is reserved for improvements to components of the Kinode platform itself. These grants are awarded to experienced developers and have a higher bar for approval.

(User-Facing Applications)

Build on Kinode

Projects that leverage Kinode as a foundational layer, creating new services, tools, and end-user applications. Example projects might include:

  • A competitive crypto-enabled game, showcasing the potential of Kinode for seamless digital asset integration.
  • A zero-knowledge prediction market using TLS-certified events like weather data or sports results, leveraging Kinode's infrastructure and ZK technology for trust and verifiability.
  • A token-gated forum that ensure only verified holders can participate, encouraging meaningful and curated discussions.
(Core Development)

Build Kinode

Projects that enhance Kinode directly.
Example projects might include:

  • Porting Kinode fully to the browser to improve accessibility and reduce onboarding friction.
  • Adding or refining essential core functions, protocols, or performance features that strengthen the Kinode stack.
  • Additional language support, taking advantage of Kinode’s WebAssembly foundation to create robust frameworks for app development in languages like Javascript and Python.
  • Tooling that extends and improves Kimap, such as new account implementations or improvements to the Kinode-to-Kimap interface.

Funding mechanisms & structure

Grants start at $10,000 USD and can grow based on project progress, contributions to the Kinode platform, ecosystem, and overall impact.

Milestone-based funding

Grants are released as projects meet predefined benchmarks. This approach ensures that teams remain accountable and deliver verifiable progress.

Token & stablecoin blend

Grants are funded with stablecoins and KINO tokens to reward long-term engagement, giving grantees a stake in the network's success and aligning their goals with the ecosystem.

Incubator & investment sessions

Grantees who meet milestones and deliver exceptional results may access Kinode’s investor network for follow-on funding, supporting larger, ambitious projects.

Joint Grants Programs

Certain grants may qualify for additional funding from one of our ecosystem partners.


How does funding work and how much can I expect to be awarded?

Grants are funded using mix of stablecoins and the $KINO token, with both the ratio and the total amount decided on a case-by-case basis. Our grants generally start around $10,000 and can grow much higher depending on the scope and difficulty of the work. All grants will be broken up into milestones that can be paid out as soon as they’re reached.

How do I apply for a grant and what documentation do I need to provide?

To apply for a grant, simply fill out this form. Be sure to include as much detail as you can provide, and we will be in touch shortly.

How long does it take?

We aim for the application review process itself to take around two weeks depending on the scope of the project.

The timeline for the grant work itself varies heavily for each grant, but in general expect them to be anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months. For complicated and impactful projects, longer timeframes are perfectly acceptable. We're very flexible people.

Who do I contact if I have questions or need help with my submission?

If you want help coming up with a good application or just want to bounce ideas off the Kinode team and community, check out the Grants channel in the Kinode discord. If you have specific questions about a particular ongoing grant or the application process, reach out to gabrielle@kinode.org.

Who makes the final decision and what criteria is used?

Final decisions about grant allocations are made using feedback from Kinode's technical and business teams. Submissions are evaluated according to their adoption potential (does this make Kinode more compelling to use or develop for?) and execution feasibility (can the applicant realistically create this within a reasonable timeframe?).

What if I run out of funds?

In exceptional cases, we may be able to provide follow-up funding for projects that are projected to make a meaningful impact to the Kinode platform or ecosystem.

Build the Future of Web3 with Kinode

Whether you’re building dApps, protocols, or groundbreaking tools, we’re here to back you.